First you will need to download McAfee Anti-Virus's latest Super Dat(sdat) file.
Downlaod SDAT. (105.16MB )
(Click on download -> Click on I Agree -> Select SuperDATs tab -> Click on sdatxxxx.exe under DAT)
> Make new folder in C drive & rename it as SDAT
> Copy & Paste SDATXXXX.exe file in SDAT folder.
>Open Command Prompt (Start + Run + Type cmd + Enter)
>cd\ (to come in c drive)
>cd sdat (to open sdat folder)
>dir (to check folder contain.
You'll get full name of sdat file here.)
>sdatXXXX /e (to extract files form sdatXXXX.exe to C:\SDAT)
>dir <to check all files are extracted or not. Total files 19>
>scan /all /adl /sub /clean (to start scanning )